Reading Notes: Dante's Inferno, Part B

  Stories are derived from Dante's Divine Comedy, by Tony Kline

The Minotaur and the Centaurs

  • With the introduction, it connects to the story of the Minotaur and Theseus, which was the one who slain him and sent him to the Underworld
    • Virgil mentioned his doom and the hero that done the deed to the Minotaur, which made the Minotaur very upset, which was a sign for Dante to descend further into the Underworld
    • There didn't need to be an additional story that was added for the Minotaur, which made a special appearance laying on the top of a gully, but that's all
  • There were a group of centaurs seen after the descent into the 7th circle, each of them armed and racing one after the other like they would on the Earth above
    • When questioned, Virgil said that he would only answer to Chiron, which by further research was the son of the Titan Cronus
    • Why does this make him important?
    • Why do they seek only him?
    • The one that was speaking to him happened to be Nessus, but how does Virgil know so much about the characters especially how they died? How did his role as the guide for these souls solidify?

(Virgil and Dante Seeing the Minotaur. Source: G. Dore)


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