Introduction to a my Simple Life

My name is Jessica and I am a senior majoring in Microbiology. A cool thing I like about my major is that microorganisms run the world; they're all around you and they're so diverse. A class I really enjoyed last semester was Pathogenic Microorganisms and Infectious Diseases. I want to one day become a Physician Associate and this class just fascinated me. We studied a lot of diseases and different microbes that could compromise your health. The epidemiology of these pathogens fascinated me and it was a one of a kind class. I currently work at a doctor's office right now as a medical assistant. I love my job and everyday is always a different day. Hopefully after I graduate I will be accepted into a program to get me closer to my goal. 

I am the youngest of four which makes me the baby of the family. My parents both roughly have seven brothers and sisters. So my immediate and extended family are big. There is truly not a dull moment with my family and there is always something going on. I have two brothers and a sister. My oldest brother has a wife and a 1 year old kid who I adore. The next oldest brother does not have a kid, but he does live near me and always welcomes me to visit. My sister is in pharmacy school and will graduate in the Spring with me. She has a boyfriend of roughly five years and I hope he proposes soon, but who know! She also has a dog named Tommy and a fun fact is that loved Tommy so much I wanted to get a dog that would keep him company... so I did. I adopted my dog named Clark from the Norman Animal Shelter in about 2019. He loves to run in the grass. He especially loves it when we visit my parents or my brother because they have so much more room for him to run around compared to my small apartment. 

(A picture by me of Clark and Tommy meeting for the first time)


  1. Yay for PAs, Jess: I think that is such a wonderful career path. I was just reading another post from someone in the Indian Epics class who wants to be a PA, and like I told her there, when my dad had cancer and was really sick for several years, his doctors were honestly just not very helpful but the PAs were fantastic, and they were the ones who helped make it possible for my dad to stay at home and not having to go to the hospital or a nursing home. So, I am an absolute fan of PAs!
    And yay for dogs too! That is so sweet about making sure your sister's dog has a friend. Our neighbor has a dog who is so adorable, and I am really glad he is there because she lives alone and that's just so much harder now with the pandemic, but he is an awesome dog, and they take good care of each other. He obsesses about squirrels so whenever I hear him barking next door, I know the squirrels are teasing him.
    Maybe you will want to learn about famous dogs and dog legends in this class. There are folktales about dogs, and also mythological dogs; someone did a Storybook about dogs in mythology last semester, and I thought it turned out great: Dogs of Mythology ... those are her dogs there on the coverpage. :-)

  2. Hi Jess,

    I noticed that you also majoring in Microbiology as well. I started taking Fundamentals of Microbiology this semester and it is great so far. Learning about the variety of microorganisms and how scientists use them to create vaccine, antibiotics, and others is so interesting. Pathogenic Microorganisms and Infectious Diseases sounds interesting and I might take it next semester just because you recommend it. I thought of doing Pre-PA too but then ended up sticking to Pre-Med. This is off topic of introduction post but I noticed at a glance you used Victoria, Canada as your favorite place. My favorite place I went to was Quebec City, Canada, which is to the furthest east compare to your furthest west. Canada is a beautiful country and I do wish to go back there again by the end of this year.

  3. Hi Jess!

    Your career path is very admirable! I've never had the patience and nurturing qualities to go into the medical field, so props to you. Good luck with all of your career goals.

    Also, I'm extremely jealous of your big family. I grew up essentially as an only child with lots of half siblings, none of whom lived with me and my parents. I bet family functions are entertaining!

    Your dog is absolutely adorable.

  4. Hello Jess!

    Microorganisms truly are what makes this world turn round. I think a lot of people don't realize exactly how important microbes are to our daily life, and the fact that our body is filled to the brim with helpful microbes. I'm sure that once you graduate you won't have any problem getting accepted into any program you want!

    I actually have a relatively small family, though we do have a lot of random cousins, but we are pretty close-knit. I'm the older sister in my house (though I do have two older half-sisters I didn't really grow up with) so I'm not too familiar with being the baby of my family, but it must be really nice to have those older siblings to look up to for advice!

    Wishing you the best of luck with graduating and your career after undergrad!

  5. Hi Jess! I wish I had a big family! My parents only had 2 kids, me and my younger brother Logan. My mother actually struggled having kids and had 11 miscarriages. My current boyfriend has 9 siblings, so I think it is a dream of mine to have a big family of my own. I actually have a rescued dog too named Diamond! I wish more people would adopt animals. I wish you luck with all of your life goals and cannot wait to hear more from you in this class!

  6. Hello Jessica! I also really liked microbiology. Learning about cells and how they work was my favorite part of biology, and I'd get a little depressed when we'd move past it. The study of pathogens sounds like it would be very interesting! What all does being a Physician Associate entail?

    Keep working towards your goals, and good luck this semester!

  7. Hi Jessica, I think it’s really cool how you want to be a PA and much respect to being a microbiology major because that sounds really difficult. Your family seems really big so I don’t know how you even keep track of everyone because I know I couldn’t. I hope you have a great rest of your semester and good luck on your ventures after graduating!

  8. Heya Jessica! I also think your career choice is really neat, and I'm sure that studying microbiology gives you a really interesting perspective as you move about the world! I'd be curious to know how much you feel like learning about microorganisms has impacted your experience of day-to-day life, if you end up thinking about these things a lot and look at the world differently than someone without that experience (like me, lol).
    Also your family sounds so sweet and lovely! I'm glad you found Tommy a new friend :)

  9. Hi Jess!

    I can't believe I have yet to see your intro but am definitely glad I did! I love seeing and reading about people's animals and I love that you adopted your puppy!! I don't come from a super large family but I loved being able to see how close you are to them just by the way you write about it. I can also tell how passionate you are about what you're studying and I think that's how everyone should feel towards their degree!!

  10. Hi Jessica!
    I am glad your enjoyed your Pathogenic Microorganisms and Infectious Diseases class! It sounds mildly terrifying to me. I am technically the middle child of the family. Me and my twin brother (who is twelve minutes older) have a little brother two years younger. I always wanted a sister! Being surrounded by boys was annoying when I was younger. Shelter dogs are the best! I got my dog, Echo, from the Norman Animal Shelter as well. Nice to meet you!

  11. Hi Jessica, nice to meet you! You remind me of my roommate who is always talking about what she learns in her microbiology classes. I bet your major is especially interesting during the pandemic! I'm one of four too, but I'm the oldest. My youngest brother is ten years younger than me. I couldn't imagine what it's like to be an aunt. Tommy and Clark are so cute! It's really cool that you adopted him from the shelter.

  12. Jessica,

    Your dog is so cute! I also love how you adopted him. I feel like we could definitely show more love to the animals that are in all of the animal shelters. I will also be taking that same class you were talking about next semester, so I'm glad to hear that you really enjoyed it! It's crazy how many microorganisms are constantly around us. I hope your semester is going great!

  13. Hi, Jess. It's awesome you have a big family. I have a decent size family, and I think when I was younger I took advantage of always having someone around. You seem to do the opposite. I don't have aspirations for a big family or a small family. I simply want the family God has in store for me. I think you'll do great in getting into PA school or whatever your next step is. Working in a doctor's office should distinguish you for sure. Good luck with all your future endeavors.


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