Famous Last Words: Wrapping up to the end
For my capstone class I have to write my independent project paper. I have only written the methods for my experiment. I still have to do additional research as well as identify my organism. I only did a couple of physiological and biochemical tests so hopefully I can get a tentative identification for the organism I isolated from soil. I also have to study for my Pathogenic Lab class. I have a test in there on Wednesday and the material for this unit is a lot more extensive than the last. The last two weeks in that class have gotten hard and it takes me three times as long to get the lecture done since I'm always rewinding to hear a specific detail.
My friends have been slightly distant this week. I think it could be stress, however, sometimes it makes me feel bad when they won't talk to me normal. I wonder if they are talking to their other friends normally or if it's just me and my other close friend. My roommate and I are great though. Love her. She's so nice and we are good friends.
I'm also really ready to graduate. I am nervous on what's going to happen after that because I haven't worked out what I'm doing for sure. I'll probably just work and gain money to pay for stuff.

(Photo of Roses by Lucy Cuneo)
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