Week 3 Story: The Rejection


There were once two kids who lived on the same street, Adam and Lilith. Their parents were all best friends and they were practical raised together. Both were raised to be intelligent and witty. Adam and Lilith's parents always joked that they were destined to be together.

As they grew up Adam always demanded that he was better than Lilith since he was taller and faster than her. Lilith hated this. She always felt like she was destined for something bigger.

When middle school time arrived, Adam and Lilith carpooled together since they lived so close. Everyone thought they were dating and in middle school this is a huge deal. As they continued to grow up the pressure to date just continued to increase. 

Eventually, when they were both sixteen they dated. Adam with his pubscent mind thought he was the most popular and the best looking guy. All Adam's friends asked Adam when he was going to have sex with Lilith.

Adam replied, "When she's lucky".

Word got around to Lilith that he said this. She hated the fact that Adam was narcissist and thought he was so much better than her. She always felt like this, but she was always too afraid to do something about it. She never liked to create conflict and this would create conflict at school and potentially at home because he parents approved of Adam. 

The next day when Adam and her were driving home from school she voiced she wanted to talk about their relationship. Naturally, Adam thought it was because she wanted to progress their relationship further. Adam pulled his car into her driveway.

Lilith faced Adam and said, "Adam, you're really nice and I appreciate you since we have known each other practically all of our lives". 

Adam started to get concerned about where the conversation was heading.

"... but I feel like we are not a good match. I heard what you said to the boys. What does 'when she's lucky' mean?".

Adam quickly fired back, "What do you mean you're breaking up with me? You are lucky to be with me. I mean look at me. I am popular and I'm good looking."

At this point Lilith knew she had made a good choice in breaking up with Adam. She opened the car door and proceed to tell him, "That right there just proved my point". 

A couple days had passed when Adam and Lilith's parents heard they broke up. Lilith's parents were so disappointed in her because they thought he was so respectable. They constantly lectured her about how she needed to work whatever it was out and get back together with him. Her parents reassured Adam's parents that they will most likely get back together. 

Lilith not only had pressure from her parents to reunite with Adam, but at school from her friends. Apparently, Adam was super upset and was throwing fits because Lilith didn't want to be with him. He spread rumors and lies about how she was going crazy for breaking up with him. Lilith's popularity went down as a result.

Lilith knew she had to be strong and independent from that moment on. She knew she deserved better than someone who thought so highly of themselves. She deserved someone who was going to take care of her who had a good heart. She knew her self worth so Lilith continued to work hard in school. Eventually, when she graduated she went to a top choice college and met the man of her dreams. 

(Lilith portrayed by Britannica

Author's Note:

I was inspired by Lilith, Adam's first wife. In the story, she left him because she wanted to be equal. She was the first feminist. She was bold and independent and I feel like because she represented herself with these traits she was casted in a bad light and as a symbol of ungodliness. I took Adam and Lilith as characters in my story. I still kept some of the original storyline that Adam got mad when Lilith "refused to lay with him". I wanted Lilith to have a happy ending and for her to do something good in the end. 


Lilith Story: 

Louis Ginzberg, Lilith, http://mythfolklore.blogspot.com/2014/05/adam-and-eve-lilith.html

Lilith picture: 



  1. I really enjoy the fact that you gave Lillith a happy ending and made Adam the Villain of your story. Reading through this unit, my dislike for him grew quite a bit, he really is a jerk, even to Eve!

    I also really enjoyed how her parents and peers' disappointment was portrayed, and how she dealt with that in your story. She had to be strong and independent, having confidence in herself, knowing that she deserved to be treated better. To be honest, I think I enjoyed your retelling more than the original!

  2. I don't want to repeat Bailey's comment too much, but I pretty much agree!
    How you portrayed the relationships surrounding Lilith and Adam, and how everyone outside perceives Adam as just a great as Adam himself believes that he is, and nobody seems to recognize just how toxic he is towards Lilith felt like the quintessential relationship with a narcissist. The facade that everyone sees is very respectable, but they don't see how capable of harm and unsympathetic they are.
    Also, when you wrote about all of the pressure that was on Lilith to let Adam back into her life, how it was impacting her relationships and reputation, I was so stressed! I felt that pressure, and it made me worried for her, so the way you resolved the story was the perfect antidote to that concern.
    Great retelling!

  3. Hi Jess!

    I love that you gave Lilith a happy ending. I actually heard about this narrative awhile ago that the Bible favored Adam and made Lilith to be a demon, Queen of monsters. Eve made from Adam's ribs I think symbolizes obedience of Eve to Adam and she belongs to her. I agree that Lilith was the first feminist because she chose to break away from Adam and yet punished for it. I like that you made it a modern day coming-of-age kind of story. First, everything was good and Adam and Lilith grew up together. Then, Adam became narcissistic and Eve had to learn to be independent and find her own happiness. I really like your story and I enjoyed it more than the original.


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