Week 2: Famous Last Words

My other classes are pretty good. I'm not too stressed right now as it is syllabus week. In Pathogenic Lab we did review of basic Microbiology techniques. I have been a MBIO lab every semester for awhile so it was a breeze. Although I do feel guilty because there are some people that really struggled with the basics. This same correlation happened in my Capstone class. There were some kids who couldn't gram stain or even see anything by navigating a microscope. In the Pathogenic Lab, I let this girl observe how I did quadrant streaks to get isolated colonies. I've done hundreds of these streaks and I don't know if they just dropped the ball on her training. In Capstone lab, I had to leave my microscope at one point while people walked by to see an example of things they should be observing. I thought these classes were going to be challenging, and I still think they are. However, I just think they are gonna progress really slow which is only mildly nerve racking. My Physiology of Microorganisms class isn't too bad. I have kept on track with my lectures and our first real content quiz is next Friday so I am a bit nervous. In my cognitive psychology class I am nervous. I have to write a discussion post and I feel like everything has to be perfect because I heard he is a harsh grader. I think I've rewritten it three times at this point. I am also taking Professional Development. The professor that teaches it this semester is also one I've taken before. We did an activity today where we got to meet different people in the class. I got to catch up with some friends in that class and I got to meet some other people. 

Hydrangea Flowers from Commons WikiMedia)


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