Time Management


(Alarm clock: Clipart Library)

        The articles I chose to read for this assignment were the first three: "The Impotance of Just Starting", "How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented", and "How to Beat Procrastination"I chose some of these because I feel like I have problems in these areas. I also already use checklists religiously. It feels so satisfying to see how productive you really are. I did learn quite a couple of nice tricks I would like to incorporate. For example, I might tie my goals to giving myself little treats so then I can have things I can looking forward to.

         Based off of my classes last semester, I think I can definitely work on my procrastination. At times, I would procrastinate in one class because I didn't enjoy the material. As a result, I would have to put in ten times more effort than what I would've put in if I just didn't procrastinate. I agree that it is important just to start things like in the first article. The amount of unnecessary stress I could've avoided if I just started is almost comical. I'm glad I got the opportunity to start early on this class as well as a couple of my other classes. It really has made me less anxious for this upcoming semester. 


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