My Favorite Place... Victoria, Canada

 Victoria, Canada

(Empress Hotel in Victoria Canada: Wikimedia Commons)

     Before Covid, I loved to traveled. I've been to Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and countless places in the States. However, my favorite place I've traveled to by far is Victoria, Canada. If you haven't noticed by my blog page, I love flowers and anything floral or green is my favorite. In Victoria, there is a huge 55 acre garden called Butchart Gardens. It is covered head to toe in just about every flower you can think of in all the colors of the rainbow. In addition to the garden, the whole city is covered in flowers as well which is why it is my favorite place to visit. Here are just a couple of pictures that I look on my most recent trip there. 

(Personal photo of Butchart Gardens taken by me)

(Personal photo of Butchart Gardens taken by me)

(Personal photo of Butchart Gardens taken by me)


  1. Oh, what absolutely beautiful pictures, Jess! And I have been to Victoria too, and also Vancouver. I liked them both so much! I remember seeing the salmon running in Victoria; that was amazing to actually see in real life. And if you are ever in Vancouver, there is so much to do there of course but definitely check out their wonderful gardens too; here's the website: Vandusen Gardens. Maybe you will want to learn about some of the Native stories and art from that part of the world... we have a Pacific Northwest and Canada units coming up in class later: Native American reading in the UnTextbook. :-)

  2. Hi Jessica,

    You are living my dream life! I love to travel and the only places I've been to are a few States, Canada, and Vietnam. I might need to check out Victoria, Canada as well because I've been meaning to visit the western side of Canada. I heard Vancouver is pretty too and the mountain range in Alberta is a sight to see. I wish to travel to more places during my gap year after graduation.


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