Growth Mindset

(Brain picture from the Archziner)

        Before this assignment, I had never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset. I do think that establishing a growth mindset would greatly impact the youth today. Instead of feeling anxiety or feeling like a failure when things are not "correct" people can feel empowered to seek the real answers and thought processes instead. I would be super interested to learn more about this as the semester progressed. I do admit that as I have advanced in my educational career, grades have been more important than learning material. At times I would just memorize things for upcoming test than for my enjoyment. Getting into graduate schools are very competitive and challenging. If school was somehow a combination of correctness and this growth mindset, I feel school would be a lot less dreadful for the average student. I can count on more than my hands the amount of people I know that dread getting up for school. OU has definitely taught me that school is hard and pursuing your dreams is a journey, but if it was easy everyone would be doing it. This semester I do not have any particular personal learning goals. I don't have goals set in place right now due to the fact that I  am not so much worried about the classes as I am about the impending future. It frightens me about the uncertainty of what's to come. Hopefully I can keep these ideas of a growth mindset to remind myself that there is joy to school and that I need to challenge myself. 


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